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Rolling the Dice

evolution, chance and design


George Matthews, Plymouth State University


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Darwinian Evolution

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Darwinian Evolution

Descent with Modification

  1. Start with some self-replicating simple organisms.
  2. Copy them with slight variations.
  3. Allow them to compete for food, shelter and mates.
  4. Repeat 10 gazillion times.
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Darwinian Evolution

Descent with Modification

  1. Start with some self-replicating simple organisms.
  2. Copy them with slight variations.
  3. Allow them to compete for food, shelter and mates.
  4. Repeat 10 gazillion times.

  • That is all we need to account for the staggering diversity and exquisite adapation of life on Earth.
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Darwinian Evolution

Descent with Modification

  1. Start with some self-replicating simple organisms.
  2. Copy them with slight variations.
  3. Allow them to compete for food, shelter and mates.
  4. Repeat 10 gazillion times.

  • That is all we need to account for the staggering diversity and exquisite adapation of life on Earth.

  • Genetics and molecular biology provide mechanisms for this process.

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Darwinian Evolution

Descent with Modification

  1. Start with some self-replicating simple organisms.
  2. Copy them with slight variations.
  3. Allow them to compete for food, shelter and mates.
  4. Repeat 10 gazillion times.

  • That is all we need to account for the staggering diversity and exquisite adapation of life on Earth.

  • Genetics and molecular biology provide mechanisms for this process.

  • With minor adjustments the theory of evolution by natural selection remains the basis of modern biology.

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Objections to Evolution

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Objections to Evolution

1. It's just an automated procedure (an algorithm) and yet its results seem so creative and intelligent.

2. How can randomness lead to the solution of real-world problems in a reasonable amount of time?

3. Doesn't this theory undermine human dignity and the meaning of our lives?

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Modern religious fundamentalism

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Modern religious fundamentalism


Response to two developments in 19th century science.

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Modern religious fundamentalism


Response to two developments in 19th century science.

  1. Darwin's theory of evolution which did away with the idea that God was needed as a creator of life.

  2. Modern Biblical scholarship which looked at the Bible as a collection of ancient literature and not as God's eternal and unchanging word.

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How many monkeys would it take to write a novel?

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How many monkeys would it take to write a novel?


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How many monkeys would it take to write a novel?


Not as many as you might think.

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The Gambler's Fallacy


"I just flipped five heads in a row, so there must be a higher probability of tails coming up next."

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The Hot Hand Fallacy


"Get her the ball quick, she is shooting way above her average today -- she is on fire!"

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The Tough love Fallacy

When the team plays exceptionally well and I praise them afterwards, they don't play as well in the next game.

When the team plays really poorly and I scream at them in the locker room afterwards, they play better next time.

So positive reinforcement fails and negative reinforcement works.

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The Monty Hall problem


Behind one door is a new car, behind the other two are goats.

  • You picked door number one.

  • Monty shows you the goat behind door number two.

  • Should you switch to door number three when given the choice?

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